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Begonia plants are a diverse and popular group of flowering plants known for their colorful and often intricate foliage as well as their delicate flowers. They belong to the family Begoniaceae and are native to subtropical and tropical regions around the world, including parts of Asia, Africa, and the Americas.​

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Begonia masoniana Mountain 15 cm Rustige Berg etiket HR new 01 (1).jpg


Begonias exhibit a wide array of leaf shapes, sizes, and textures, ranging from small and rounded to large and asymmetrical. The leaves can be glossy or matte, smooth or textured, and come in various shades of green, often with intricate patterns or markings in silver, red, pink, or white. Some Begonia species also feature striking foliage variegation, adding to their visual appeal.

Indoor and Outdoor Use:

Begonias are versatile plants that can be grown both indoors and outdoors, depending on the species and local climate conditions. They are commonly used as bedding plants, container plants, hanging basket specimens, or as part of mixed border plantings. Indoors, they add color and texture to interior spaces and thrive in well-lit areas away from direct sunlight.

Growth Habit:

Begonias vary widely in their growth habits, with some species growing upright and compact, while others trail or spread, making them suitable for hanging baskets or ground cover. Some Begonias are rhizomatous, growing from thickened underground stems (rhizomes), while others are fibrous-rooted or tuberous, growing from bulbs or tubers.

Care and Maintenance:

Begonias are relatively low-maintenance plants, requiring regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Deadheading spent flowers can encourage continuous blooming, while removing yellowing or damaged leaves helps maintain plant health and appearance. Begonias benefit from occasional fertilization during the growing season to promote healthy growth and flowering.


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